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This is a photo of my baptism on Good Friday at Sullivans Beach, in Charleston South Carolina.

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog, I am so happy you’re here 🙂

Whether you are here to consider donating, are curious about what I am doing, or have just stumbled across my site, I am so grateful that you are here, and I would love to tell you a little bit about myself and why I am going on the World Race.

So first of all, hi! My name is Amanda Born. I am from Commerce, Michigan, but I now live in Charleston South Carolina. I currently work as a tax accountant at a small CPA firm here in SC. I moved down to South Carolina shortly after graduating from Grand Valley State University. Here is a little bit more about me:

  • I ❤️ Jesus
  • My 3 favorite things are God, people, and swimming!
  • My 3 least favorite things are: semi-trucks, driving in unfamiliar places, and when people walk too close behind me
  • I worked at a YMCA summer camp for 5 years
  • I am the oldest of 3 girls, my sisters Abbey and Ashley are 2 of my best friends.
  • I love anything outdoors, and love being active
  • I’m currently training to run a half marathon in November (wish me luck 😬 )

So there’s a little bit about me, I would love to also share some of the reasons I am going on the World Race. As long as I can remember I have had a pull on my heart to go and serve our brothers and sisters overseas who have much less than we do here in the United States. Over the past couple years this tug has only grown stronger and stronger. The Lord has greatly encouraged me and blessed me by helping me find the World Race. I am so passionate about the ministry and the service that this organization offers. One of the things I am the most excited about with the World Race is the opportunity to see how God is working in so many different places in the world. And I can’t wait to share those all with you here. It is also going to be my privilege to have the opportunity to shed the light of Jesus to the unreached.

Matthew 5:16 – “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.”

This is a photo of me being baptized on Good Friday. I am eternally grateful and indebted to our Lord and Savior who saved me, and I am so thankful for the opportunity to try and bring this light to others 🙂

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Amanda Born

Amanda is originally from Michigan, but currently lives in Charleston, South Carolina. Currently working full time as an accountant. When she is not at work, she enjoys spending as much time as possible enjoying the sunshine and being active.