Hello from Gainesville Georgia! I am currently ramping up for my second week of training camp with my squad. This past week I have seen the Lord move in power that I have never witnessed or experienced before in my life, and it has been SO good. This past week has been so filled with wisdom, fellowship, love, and joy. I would love to share with you all some of the incredible wisdom the Lord has revealed to me this week.
The first day that I was at camp, I felt God calling me into a season of “more.” Initially I didn’t know exactly what He meant, but as the days passed on it became so evident. He was so sweetly inviting me to step into abundance with Him. He is calling me into more joy, more prayer, more love, more peace, more community, more presence, more responsibility and more power. With that abundance He’s calling me into, comes sacrifice. I believe that will look like more trust, more surrender, more abandonment of comfort, more vulnerability, and more humility.
In the short time I have been here I have learned so much, and I have been filled with such an incredible sense of peace that I am exactly where God wants me to be. The past week has been filled with rich, and insightful teachings, different training scenarios, spirit-filled worship, and sweet time with my new community. My squad has 16 members, and each one of them is SO awesome. We have been blessed by two beautiful, loving, selfless leaders, an incredible mentor, and two coaches who walk alongside us. I can’t wait to share so much more of the the Lord’s work through each member! He is SO good!
We officially leave this Saturday, January 25th, for Thailand! I am so excited! I would love for you to partner with me in prayer over:
-My teammate Ava is still working toward her fundraising goal. Her fundraising link is below if you still want to support this ministry financially!!
-Physical Health and Good Rest for Me and My Team
-Team Unity
-Safe Travels
-An abundance of gratitude
Hugs and Prayers,
Amanda ❤️
So glad you are learning and growing. God bless you and keep you❤️
God Bless you. Sending love and prayers. GrandmaPat 😘🙏