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Hellloooooooo friends and family!

I am so excited to report that we are officially en route to Thailand. As we speak I am a little less than half way into our 16 hour flight from Vancouver to Bangkok, although this post won’t be uploaded until I can find some WiFi!

I also have some really exciting news and updates to share with you all! Over the last 2 weeks during training camp, our squad leaders, mentors, and coaches lead us in a variety of activities that were built around team unity and trust. My whole squad of 16 members was split into 3 different teams. Over a few days, those groups were mixed around and given different team building activities to see if some good groups could be formed. All of our mentors prayed and watched to determine what would be the best teams for us to be on. During this time, they also were looking at all of us to determine who would be best suited for a few different roles that racers get to fill.

I am very excited to tell you all that I was asked to be a Team Leader (TL) for my team, we have coined ourselves “The Sent Ministry” or TSM for short. My team is made up of myself, and my amazing friends, Sarah, John, Aaron, Tucker, and Coby! I honestly could not be more thrilled and blessed by this incredible group of individuals that I get to work with. Each one of them has already blessed me with so much wisdom and love. They make me feel safe, seen, and supported, I’m not sure what more you could possibly ask for from a team. The Lord has truly blessed me with this team and I cannot wait to serve with them in the coming months.

More exciting news is that I officially have received our ministry information for Thailand!! My team is heading to Chiang Mai, which is about 10 hours north of Bangkok. We are going to be serving with a ministry that is connected to a company called Bella Goose. Bella Goose is a coffee shop, with one location in the US and one in Thailand, and they raise funds to help support victims of human trafficking. Many of you who I had the chance to talk to about this trip will know that getting to serve with this ministry is such an answered prayer. I don’t yet know exactly what we will be doing when we get there to support this ministry, but this is an issue that is so close to my heart so I am just excited to help them in whatever way that we can.

I also just want to thank you all so much for your prayers and support throughout all of this. I know a lot of you gave so much, and the Lord has just confirmed so many times in so many ways that this is exactly where I’m supposed to be, so thank you again. As for the prayers, I can feel them, truly. I have seen God come through in so many ways, particularly in things that I have requested prayer for. He is so faithful to come through when His children intercede for one another. So thank you, thank you, thank you! That being said I wanted to update you all on some more ways that my squad could use prayers now:

Prayer Requests:

  • Safe travels!
  • Good rest, and ability to quickly sync to our new time zone (12 hours ahead of EST).
  • That all 3 teams would be able to establish a firm foundation, and grow together in Christ
  • That the Lord would show me how to lead His children well, and that I would steward my position as team leader in a Christ-like way
  • For my team to have eyes and hearts that are fixed on God
  • For safety and sound-mind of friends and family back home 🙂
  • I still have many squad mates who are working toward their fundraising goals, prayers that God would show His provision would be such a blessing. If you would be interested in learning how you could support one of my teammates, please reach out I would love to chat with you 🙂

I love you all.

Prayers and blessings,

Amanda Born

3 responses to “And We’re Off”

  1. Well well well, miss Amanda as a team leader safe to say I’m not entirely all that surprised! Glad to hear your “side quest” is one that we were hoping for. They are so lucky to have you, miss you!

  2. Just spent some time praying for you, precious Amanda, and the team.
    Excited to follow! Love you so!
    Isaiah 43

  3. Praying for “S” squad in its entirety, as well as your prayer points. His word is a lamp and will light your path as a team leader and the work of your squad.
    Mom of a squad mate 🙂

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